Home 沖縄正伝剛柔流空手古武道保存会

Welcome to internet home of the Okinawa Seiden Gojuryu Karate Kobudo Hozonkai.

The Okinawa Seiden Gojuryu Karate Kobudo Hozonkai maintains a high level of non-commercialism and is devoted to teaching Karate, kobudo, and Tuite at its highest level, as a martial art and as a way of life. To this end, the Hozonkai conducts lectures, seminars and regularly scheduled intensive training sessions for all students, as well as a continuous training program for advanced students and instructors worldwide.

We are a “NO POLITICS” Association where rank is earned through years of dedicated training. All Internationally Certified Promotions are based on World recognized standards of “Time in Grade”. The Mission of the Hozonkai is to protect the original Traditional martial arts based on the foundation of Budo. Its goal is to maintain the concept of human development through Traditional budo training.

Those seriously interested in the study of a martial art are welcome to join us.

The association offers the following benefits to its members;

  • On going technical education for Instructors and students.
  • Instructor Certification
  • Instructor Training
  • Standardized Instruction
  • Technical Karate, Kobudo, Jujutsu and Iaido Seminars
  • Yearly Gasshuku
  • Newsletter
  • Program development assistance for dojo owners
  • Dojo marketing
  • Free Internet advertising for dojos
  • Training Videos
  • Training Manuel
  • Apparel
  • and More